Saturday, April 30, 2005

Thoughts About Weight Loss - Principle I

-- no fat people in a concentration camp --

"control of hunger is optional" (to losing weight)... In other words you can lose weight even if you are hungry. You don't have to control hunger... You just have to deal with it.

but "control of calorie input is not optional" ... In other words the one thing that will reduce our weight, independent of all the other factors, is cutting calories... If you cut them enough over a long enough period you will lose weight... i.e. No fat people in a concentration camp.

so you could eat pure sugar or pure fat and still lose weight. You might feel crazy hungry... You might get rickets (lack of vitamin c)... You might get zitts... But you could still lose weight if you cut calories enough over a long enough period of time.

you could exercise your butt off and if you didn't control calorie inputs you would not lose weight (see sumo wrestlers). Or you could lay flat on your back and still lose weight... You might get bed sores from lying on your back.... But you could still lose weight... If you cut calories over a long enough period of time.

weight loss, excluding all other health and comfort factors, is primarily about calorie input first and foremost... The rest... What we eat & how much we exercise... Are about comfort (taste, hunger control, etc) & health (proper nutrition & fitness).

yes other factors can help make dieting easier, healthier and faster... And they are important... But loss alone can be created by reduced calorie input alone.

Basic Principle 1 - In order to reduce weight you MUST keep cutting calories until you lose weight at the rate you desire.

All the other basics I have learned in this process are about how to make cutting calories "doable" with the least amount of discomfort and the most possible health benefits.

So stay tuned. SW

Friday, April 29, 2005

Thoughts on my weight loss

Thoughts about weight loss

Loss of weight is due to an
out-go of calories
greater than the
in-put of calories.

Calorie out-go
is dependent on
resting burn rate and
exercising burn rate.

Calorie in-put
is dependent on
quantity of food consumed &
quality of food consumed.

Thoughts about hunger:

Hunger is a secondary variable
Which is not directly related to weight loss.
You can lose weight & be hungry
You can be hungry & not lose weight.

Hunger may increase or decrease
With the change in quantity or quality of food consumed.
Hunger may indicate a biological need to consume food, or
Hunger may indicate a non-biological need to consume food.

Hunger itself does not increase calorie in-puts.
Hunger itself does not decrease calorie in-puts.
Hunger may only increase the desire for food
and thus indirectly effect calorie in-puts.

Control of hunger is optional
Control of calorie inputs is not.

Based on this declaration
Weight loss can occur
Based control of a single variable:
Calorie in-puts.

I lost weight on the first phase of my diet
because I was able to reduce my calorie in-puts.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Hope - Because You Are Not Alone

Posted by Hello

Tonight Jim & I lead our first 12 step group meeting through Celebrate Recover at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. After going through the program twice and recieving so much we believe we are ready to start giving back to those who served us by serving others in need.

We have prepared ourselves by working the program as it relates to co-dependency & food adiction. To the extent sobriety can be claimed over these, we claim it. We have experienced new freedom and want to share our experience, hope and strength with others on the road to recover.

We have been trained not only through our trials & triumphs, attendence at leadership workshops, but by the models of leadership which we have experienced, good and bad.

Our theme for the first 4 weeks will be "Hope - Because You Are Not Alone". We have studied our materials, memorized our guidlines and prepared our agendas. We have selected our worship music and gathered our supplies. The invitations are out. And the results are in, as they have been predestined, only to be revealed in time, all to HIS glory!

I have prepared myself today through His word, prayer, fasting & worship.

My prayer: Lord, use me.

Fruit of the Spirit Fast

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The fruit of the spirit fast

I am preparing for leading my 12 step group by fasting with fruit only for 24 hours:
Grapefruit for breakfast
Apple for lunch
Orange for snack
Banana for dinner
Raisins for dessert
Lots of Water

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

bEATitude diet - 12

Posted by Hello

State of sobriety = 84 days.
Weight as of 7am 04/25/05 = 214 lbs.
Loss for week ended 04/25/05 => 216-214 = 2 lbs.
Total diet loss 12 weeks to date => 240-214 = 26 lbs.
Average weekly loss over 12 weeks = 2.2 lbs per week.

took take out mexicasa over to mom & dads last night. had a craving but it was a letdown for some reason. started my exercise program this morning with a 20 minute power walk.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

For what is a man advantaged ... ?

Luke 9:24 (NIV)

For whoever wants
to save his life
will lose it,
but whoever loses his life for me
will save it.

Context: Peter's Confession of Christ; Take Up the Cross and Follow Him

18Once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say I am?”
19They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, that one of the prophets of long ago has come back to life.”
20“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Peter answered, “The Christ[
a] of God.”
21Jesus strictly warned them not to tell this to anyone. 22And he said, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.”
23Then he said to them all: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. 24For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. 25What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self? 26If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. 27I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.”


Matthew 16:25 (NIV)

25For whoever wants to save his life[
a] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.

a] The Greek word means either life or soul; also in verse 26.

Mark 8:35 (NIV)
35For whoever wants to save his life[
a] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.

a] The Greek word means either life or soul; also in Matthew 16:25 (New International Version)

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Today I am stepping across the line. I'm tired of waffling and I'm finished with wavering,I've made my choice, the verdict is in, and my decision is irrevocable.I'm going God's way. There's no turning back now!I will live the rest of my life serving God's purposes with God's people on God'splanet for God's glory. I will use my life to celebrate his presence, cultivate hisCharacter, participate in his family, demonstrate his love, and communicate his word.Since my past has been forgiven, and I have a purpose for living, and a homeawaiting in heaven, I refuse to waste any more time or energy on shallow living,petty thinking, trivial talking, thoughtless doing, useless regretting, hurtfulresenting, or faithless worrying. Instead I will magnify God, grow to maturity,serve in ministry, and fulfill my mission in the membership of his family.Because this life is preparation for the next, I will value worship over wealth,"we" over "me", character over comfort, service over status and people overpossessions, position, and pleasures. I know what matters most and I'll give it allI've got. I'll do the best I can with what I have for Jesus Christ today.I won't be captivated by culture, manipulated by critics, motivated by praise,frustrated by problems, debilitated by temptation, or intimidated by the devil. I'llkeep running my race with my eyes on the goal, not the sidelines or those runningby me. When times get tough, and I get tired, I won't back up, back off, backdown, back out or backslide. I'll just keep moving forward by God's grace. I'mSpirit-led, purpose driven and mission-focused so I cannot be bought, I will notbe compromised, and I shall not quit until I finish the race.I'm a trophy of God's amazing grace so I will be gracious to everyone, grateful foreveryday, and generous with everything that God entrusts to me.To my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I say: However, Whenever, Wherever, andWhatever you ask me to do, my answer in advance is yes! Wherever you lead andwhatever the cost, I'm ready. Anytime. Anywhere, Anyway.Whatever it takes Lord;Whatever it takes! I want to used by you in such a way, that on that final dayI'll hear you say, "Well done, thou good and faithful one. Come on in, and let theeternal party begin!"

Monday, April 18, 2005

Posted by Hello

State of sobriety = 77 days.
Weight as of 7am 04/18/05 = 216 lbs.
Loss for week ended 04/18/05 => 218-216 = 2 lbs.
Total diet loss 11 weeks to date => 240-216 = 24 lbs.
Average weekly loss over 11 weeks = 2.2 lbs per week.

This week included three days out of town & Sunday at the Big A. Success due to tons of walking & bring breakfast & fruit stuffs on vacation. Eating a low cal but filling breakfast of plain oatmeal & a banana has allowed me to start the day satisfied & less subject to temptation. when oatmeal is not available, a good substitute has been whole oat granola bars of 200 cal or less with my ever present banana. Mary has been very supportive... but watching her eat nuts still drives me nuts.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Posted by HelloA Historic Day

Mary was a head usher... that left me to do the partying. Mary had to be there at 9am. I followed @ 1030am carpooling then tailgating with Mike Raabe. Burgers with the whole CR crowd was a blast.

The program was fantastic with Pastor Rick, first looking back over the last 25 years, then laying out the next 25 with The P>E>A>C>E Plan.

There were representatives from Billy Graham & President Bush to read letters of congradulation. The president of Ruwanda addressed the congregation, announcing the first National Peace Plan Partnership in which Saddleback will partner with the Government and Business interests bring Global Peace to his country.

Chuck Colson addressed the congregation anouncing a partnership with Prison Fellowship Ministries, Purpose Driven Life & Celebrate Recovery which will allow Saddleback Church volunteers access to over 2000 prisons in the USA and in over 160 countries around the world. Purpose Driven Churches across the world will now be able to minister to prisoners and their families both during & after their time is served.

The last & most moving guest speaker was one of the over 450,000 pastors trained at Saddleback. He offered a heartfelt thank you with his story of a church redeemed and reformed by the support of the Saddleback family.

We dined with Scott & Kay's small group before calling it a day.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Posted by Hello

Mary & I went to La Jolla Tue, Wed & came home Thu (in time for Trump of course). We touristed Tue; kayaked Wed; Zoo-ed Thursday. Stayed at Hotel La Jolla at the Shores.

Lots & lots of walking. The real test was 2 plus days of eating out. Tue nite dinner at TGI Friday's for steak & shrimp; Wed granola & banana for breakfast; split fish, chips & slaw with Mary at Tin Fish Downtown, Fish Market chowder with fresh sourdough in Del Mar for dinner; popcorn & orange for snack. Thursday, granola & banana for breakfast; brought Subway & an apple to the zoo; split bbq chicken, ribs, fries & slaw from Dick's downtown; popcorn & orange while watching Trump at home.

High Lights: talking to kayak fishermen with lg yellow tail & 40 lb sea bass; watching the polar bears play at the plunge.

Posted by Hello

Monday, April 11, 2005

bEATitude diet - week 10

Posted by Hello

State of sobriety = 70 days.
Weight as of 7am 04/11/05 = 218 lbs.
Loss for week ended 04/11/05 => 219-218 = 1 lbs.
Total diet loss 10 weeks to date => 240-218 = 22 lbs.
Average weekly loss over 10 weeks = 2.2 lbs per week.

Bummer! only one pound for the week. still sober though... & working program. had a chicken salad for lunch on the prison trip. lots of garden exercise... so i'll need to watch my portions more closely. this will be a tough week as we will be spending tue, wed, & thu in la jolla; plus tonight at chillies as a final sendoff for our 12-step. i'll bring fruit & granolla bars, etc. & hope the extra exercise will do it. time to do the taxes, adios!

Friday, April 08, 2005

the sacrifice of praise II

my greatest sacrifice is for me to believe that i am loved,
just as i am, without condition,
by the almighty creater of heaven & earth.

though i am broken,
i must not carry my hurts or even put them down ,
but i must raise them up,

this is my sacrifice:
my shame, my guilt,
my anger, resentment and hate;

yes, but i lift them up to YOU
and praise YOU in my trials
for my trials.

as measured in the real cost that i have paid,
these trials are my most valuable posessions.
i sacrifice them in praise to you, my LORD.

i accept myself,
as you have,
beloved in my imperfection.

Monday, April 04, 2005

bEATitude diet

Posted by Hello

State of sobriety = 63 days.
Weight as of 7am 04/04/05 = 219 lbs.
Loss for week ended 04/04/05 => 221-219 = 2 lbs.
Total diet loss 9 weeks to date => 240-219 = 21 lbs.
Average weekly loss over 9 weeks = 2.3 lbs per week.

Monday nite BBQ dinner out. Turkey dinnier with all the fixin's on tuesday. But lots of salads. Even starting to like 'em. 2 or 3 types of lettuce, spinich, swiss chard, carrots, celery, radish, yellow & red pepper, onion, & sometimes tomato, with a little low fat dressing. Lots of crunch. Still garden exercise only. With any luck, will reach 10% body weight loss within next two weeks.

Friday, April 01, 2005

the sacrifice of praise

what do we sacrifice when we praise him?

pride! we must be humble & greatful.
resentment! we must praise him for our suffering! even as in everything!

think of the deepest hurts.... & praise him for taking you down... as well as in lifting you up.
in the midst of your trouble praise him... and the deciever is disarmed.

as our strength is measured by the resistance we have overcome, how much we can lift... so, as Jesus overcame even death to save us... His power is without limit. Our witness to His power is not how high He will lifts us... but how low He chose to bend!!!!
