Friday, December 09, 2005

Amends -- God's timing

The steps have a specific order for a reason... don't get head of yourself.
Remember, an amends are not an apology. An amends is about God’s forgiveness and your healing. An amends is done “to” another “for” God. An amends should be given without expectation about the recipient’s reaction. It’s not about them. You make an amends, not because you hurt someone, but because you have hurt your relationship with God through your treatment of another. This is more about your disobedience, rather than their hurt.
It would be co-d to use an amends to “fix” someone else’s hurt or to manipulate their opinion of you.
So focus on the objective: You are giving your sin to God for forgiveness and healing.
Here is a recap of my ideas on the amends process:

How can you give your sin to God? How can I begin to heal?
--Acknowledge it. You cannot change what you cannot acknowledge, so this is the first step. It is primarily the process of breaking denial about your responsibility for your actions. It is the process of fully admitting responsibility.
--Name it. You can not fully acknowledge what you can not define, so this is the second step. It is primarily the process of putting into words the exact nature and results of your actions. It is the process of fully defining your responsibility.
--Own it. Now, you have already a admitted wrong and spelled out exactly what you have done. The third step to own it by expressing regret & repentance. This is the process of telling... God and someone else (in confession, another believer; in amends, the other involved party).
Give it away. Give the sin to God and accept his forgiveness. You have no right to give away what you do not own.

The first three steps are required to for you to attain ownership. Now by giving it to God, you are washed clean and the healing can begin.