Hope - Because You Are Not Alone

Tonight Jim & I lead our first 12 step group meeting through Celebrate Recover at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. After going through the program twice and recieving so much we believe we are ready to start giving back to those who served us by serving others in need.
We have prepared ourselves by working the program as it relates to co-dependency & food adiction. To the extent sobriety can be claimed over these, we claim it. We have experienced new freedom and want to share our experience, hope and strength with others on the road to recover.
We have been trained not only through our trials & triumphs, attendence at leadership workshops, but by the models of leadership which we have experienced, good and bad.
Our theme for the first 4 weeks will be "Hope - Because You Are Not Alone". We have studied our materials, memorized our guidlines and prepared our agendas. We have selected our worship music and gathered our supplies. The invitations are out. And the results are in, as they have been predestined, only to be revealed in time, all to HIS glory!
I have prepared myself today through His word, prayer, fasting & worship.
My prayer: Lord, use me.
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