b-EAT-itude diet - week 20

State of sobriety from 1/31/05= 140 days.
Weight as of 7am 06/20/05 = 205 lbs.
Loss for week ended 06/20/05 => 205-205 = zero lbs.
Total diet loss 20 weeks to date => 240-205 = 35 lbs.
Average weekly loss over 20 weeks = 1.9 lbs per week.
Form the Plateau to the Desert:
I have lost only 4 lbs in the last 5 weeks. that's an average less 1 lb per week, for the last 4 including 2 goose eggs; after averaging over 2 lbs per week for 15 weeks. Complacency may have set in, or it could be a metabolism thing. but it is apparent that i need to evaluate what i am doing & make appropriate adjustments. since jim & i will be leading a food accountability group next week, this is a perfect point to do a daily food journal to see what i am really eating.
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