from my comment to 12/31 post on "So Let It Be Written"
Ignorance of another religion is directly related to a willingness to condemn it.
My wife is catholic. I followed her to mass regularly for almost 30 years. We now attend Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church.
I love my new church home but so many people here criticize Catholicism freely, often calling it unbiblical. Most believe that Catholics never rely on scripture but only their priest. “Not based on scripture” and “trying to earn their way to heaven” are common assumptions.
Pastor Rick tells us that it’s not about a particular church or a given religion, but about a personal relationship with Christ as your savior. Still, self-righteousness abounds in the congregation.
No catholic I know worships a piece of wood. That’s just silly.
For those that don’t know, the normal mass includes readings of scripture followed by a sermon followed by communion and usually includes musical worship. Sound familiar? Granted the difference is in the details. But I have known many Catholics who have a personal relationship with Jesus, and feel lead to worship him through their catholic tradition. Are they not saved? Or must they DO something “the right way” to EARN their salvation? And if they are saved, what’s the criticism again??
Can Catholicism get in the way of salvation? Yes, as can legalism of any denomination.
I am so grateful to all the wonderful Jesus loving Catholics I have met along my walk. I have learned what faith and devotion and, yes, tolerance, look like from you.
Good job on Catholicism. You know I'm a "recovering Catholic" myself. But it wasn't just Catholicism I rejected when I was a teenager, but organized religion. (The first line of the book Peyton Place refers to old man Peyton hating only three things; death, venereal disease, and organized religion.) I agree with you that it's the "legalists" in any religion who make it less of a vehicle for understanding God and more like an exclusive social club.
I saw an episode of South Park one night (yes, it's one of my guilty pleasures) in which a bunch of people go to hell and are greeted by a sort of master of ceremonies who is about to introduce the Devil. The crowd questions him - "I was a good Muslim, how come I'm here?" "I was an Episcopal Bishop, I don't belong here!" "I was a good Catholic, why am I here?" and so on. The MC says,
"Sorry, the correct answer was 'MORMON'. MORMON."
I can't imagine God this way. I even have trouble with the concept that people who don't believe in Jesus can't get to heaven. I believe God is an awful lot wiser than me, and if I think every good person deserves a heavenly reward, I'm sure God has a plan for that which is beyond my figuring. I just trust Him and try not to pretend that I'm the judge of others.
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