Thursday, November 25, 2004

she told me once...

i usually offer a toast to the cooks,
to honor those who have prepared the feast.
she told me once that it disgusted her
that pose of the perfect husband.

out of habbit again i raised my glass
but i choked on the forgotten words
judgements of the past still undigested
"to a great meal," i mustered.

the bird had been carved
then the turkey slain.


At 11:15 PM, December 01, 2004, Blogger PHIL said...

Continue in your genuine self and I will pray that you (we) will have the wisdom and strength to do so in spite of another's ill perception of us.

You raised your glass, not only out of habit (and a good habit), but also in genuine, real expression.

Your feelings were "slain" temporarily, but you are still very much alive and God is blessing you in all of this. I identify with the feelings and so can pray for you with fervor. God bless, see you Friday eve, PR


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