Saturday, October 23, 2004


1"I can't stand my life--I hate it!-I'm putting it all out on the table, all the bitterness of my life--I'm holding back nothing." Job 10:1

Letting it all out
is the antidote to bitterness.

Revealing it all
is the remedy to anger.

Telling it like it is
voids resentment.

Opening it up to the light
is the cure for hate.

Letting, revealing, telling, opening
Are signs of trust

To heal, to restore, to mend, to repair,
Are signs of love.

So, make known & heal
Disclose & restore

Give way, let drop, inform
Hold nothing back.



* 40 days of basic *
water: 1 beer
brkfst: none
lunch: blt & fruit
dinner: pork, mac & cheese, broc
snack: bowl of cereal
ex: painting bedroom
sleep: 1230sat-830sun
scripture: Job 10 (see above)


At 1:21 PM, October 25, 2004, Blogger Jim said...

Right on once again blog brother. All of what you said is awesome. I just wish I had the key to being able to do all of it in a balanced manner. That is what my goal is. I want balance. I am tired of living an unbalanced life. As I look on your list there the key words that grab me is letting go. I have to quit holding on to things I need to let go of. This includes false hope as well as in people to change who they are to fit my mold for them. May God help us to let go of what we need to and embrace his gifts to us.
We are on track to see victory and will stop at nothing short of it.
Gby my brother.


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