Thursday, October 28, 2004

little sins


Be fearful of little sins. Take alarm at even an evil thought, wish, or desire.

These are the germs of sin -
the floating seeds which drop into the heart,
and, finding in our natural corruption a fat and favorable soil,
spring up into actual transgressions.

These, like the rattle of the snake and the hiss of theserpent,
reveal the presence and nearness of danger.

The experience of all holy men proves
that sin is most easily crushed in the bud,
and that it is safer to flee from temptation
than to fight it.

Lord let me vigilant.


At 8:09 PM, October 31, 2004, Blogger Jim said...

Yes I agree. It is the litttle sins that do the most damage at times because they are more subtle and harder to plan for or notice. Like an idle mind. Maybe a thought of what use to be. Perhaps a judgement of another without all the facts. Let's not forget misplaced anger. Even writely placed anger can be sin.

God guard my heart against sin and please forgive me for the ones I do commit and help me to see them as they come.


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