Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The book of our flesh

"He considers our sinful flesh, and makes it one of the books in which he diligently reads. One of the fairest prospects, I doubt not, which the devil's eye ever rests upon, is the inconsistency and the impurity which he can discover in the true child of God. In this respect he had very little to consider in God's true servant, Job." C. H. SPURGEON 1865.

I hear God telling me in the story of Job that the devil knows me as well as He. My only defense is to stay, as much as I can, in His presents; to grow ever more attached to the vine.

Contradicton: the more i consider stand for Him, the clearer target my weaknesses become (the "fairest prospects" of my flesh) for his evil work.

Yet Job Stands.


At 10:58 PM, October 29, 2004, Blogger Jim said...

Amen brother!!!! As job stands so shall we. We can't sit back and wait for the devil to come after us. We must stand firm in the knowledge of who our father is and realize HE will protect us as a father should yet will allow us to be tested to develope character.

I think I have all the character I need God!!! Thank you very much. LOL NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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