Sunday, November 07, 2004

The Sabbath

I attended EveyMan's "Bring the men home" conference in Compton Saturday morning. I'll post my reflections on this conference at the conclusion of my "God Loves The Inner City" series.

11am Praise service - Young Mr. M can carry-on !!

*** God Loves the Inner City - III

We crisscrossed the city. In each place we found a clean, modest, hopeful home. In each place a heart was touched.

One family, we met on their front porch. The house was freshly painted, the grass long but green. As we gathered around this fatherless family, a clean cut boy of about 13, sat on a bench, leaning against the porch wall, his oversized jacket drooped across is shoulders, his phone attached to his ear.

As we began to pray, he began to slip away; as if by not seeing, he had not been seen. Then Pastor Frank raised a single silent index finger, and stopped the retreat in its tracks!! As if by remote control, he directed the young man into a standing, straight-backed “attention” at his mother’s side.

And so, in some small way, he became a man in the company of men.

(More on this later…)


At 11:37 PM, November 10, 2004, Blogger Jim said...

There is a song that has words like this; I may never march in the infantry, ride in the calvery shoot the artilery, I may never fly over the enemy, but I am in the Lord's army, YES SIR!!!

Even the babes are part of the army of God.
Amen keep up the GOD work.


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