Saturday, November 06, 2004

HE gets what HE wants

I guess I was supposed to be at CR last night. I started out for Compton... I planed to leave at 1pm... But at 12:30 Mary called to have me take her home from school... too sick to drive. I tucked her in... and left at 5:30pm... by 6:30 I was only to Anaheim...

I got the message. Turned around & went to Saddleback.

MORE: God loves the inner City !! (continued from 11/5)

My group went with pastor frank as we spread out across the city. Our first stop was a large apartment complex checkered with barred windows. As a dozen men in black tee-shirts approached with a gift basket, a little lady who had been sweeping the walk was startled into action slamming the large security gate in panic, before we could enter.

After we had made our presentation, she stopped me on the way out. She explained that, “I’m sorry I slammed the gate. But the vice squad was here twice this week & I just didn’t know what was happening," she said with a relieved smile.

(More tomorrow)

-- My Daily Word --

They may have an illusion of security,but God has his eye on them.24They may get their brief successes,but then it's over, nothing to show for it.Like yesterday's newspaper,they're used to wrap up the garbage. (Job 24:23-24)

He is in one mind.
His understand is perfect.
I have faith in his promises.
May I not be fooled by the illusion of security.
May I not be fooled by my brief successes.


At 12:04 AM, November 08, 2004, Blogger Jim said...

WOW. man that is quite a story. Compton is a rough place I use to go up there alot to pick up aout parts when I use to work for the auto shops. Sounds like god was with you all and all went well in the end. awesome. chapter 23 and 24 i will get to. it sounds like this is where Job begins his fight back. We need to be prepared I can feel the attack intensifying man.
I got your back.


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