Daily Inventory - Boundaries Define Us
PROPOSITION - To know who we are, we must know who we have become.
Imagine The Creator forming my soul with his own hands, fashioning unique qualities & characteristics to make it distinctive from all others.
- I have been given an individual and recognizable shape.
- I have form and space in time and place.
- I am unique & separate.
To be separate, there must be a point where I begin and all others end: an outside and an inside. Everything inside my soul is mine alone. Here are my gifts and talents as well as my flaws and weaknesses. Here too is my free will. These belong to me along with their associated rights and responsibilities. They all reside inside my shape.
When I was defined, my boundaries defined me. Everything outside my shape does not belong to me. I have been kept purposely separate. The outside world and I only meet at my boundaries.
I have been given the free will to make a choice!
- Have I been respecting my boundaries?
- Have I been protecting them?
- If this is the real me, shouldn't I acknowledge & maintain the very thing that defines me as me.
- If allow others to change or move my boundaries, what am I saying about the gift of my very soul?
- Will I let what I think others think about me push me out of the very shape designed for me to take?
My lack of knowledge & respect for my given boundaries has been the root cause of most of my life's problems.
I have come to believe, that knowing myself & knowing my boundaries is a vital step in understanding my relationship with my God and my world.
When I feel far from God,
I have but wandered
Far from my soul.
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