bEATitude diet - week 2 completed

state of sobriety = 14 days.
weight as of 7am 2/14/05 = 234 lbs
loss for week ended 2/14/05 => 238-234 = 4lbs.
total diet loss 2 weeks to date => 240-234 = 6 lbs.
average weekly loss over 2 weeks = 3 lbs per week.
I ended the week well. I appears that weekends will be a determining factor as there are so many variables: lack of routine, timing of meals, meals with & for others, availability of healthy choices while away for home, long stretches between meals, and many others. Friday, Mary entertained a friend and asked me to meet her a church. I misunderstood and missed dinner in confusion. I broke out the peanut butter crackers (200 cal) from the trunk and that got me through CR & home (without desert from solid rock) to a bowl of soup & a sandwich for a late dinner. Saturday was a challenge as we went to the Autry Museum from 11:30 to 2:30, without lunch. The temptation for fast food was great as we drove to Griffith Park for a quick walk & the view. However, Mary was very supportive of my search for Subway and even split a foot long "7 sand's with less than 6 grams" low fat chicken sandwich with me at about 3:30 at Vermont & Sunset. Topped off by a glass of water of course. Sunday I was starving all day. But I stuck to it. I ate my oatmeal in the car on the way to church because I knew that I couldn't resist the donuts without it. We went shopping after church & Mary suggested getting chips. "Go ahead if you want, but you'll have to take them to school," stopped her. Mary made quiche for lunch & I employed adequate portion control. The in-laws were over for dinner. Rita brought appetizers and out of politeness and constant hectering I took one small bite only. Mary made the bessssssst spaghetti ever from my canned summer home grown tomatoes. With her home made meatballs. Wow. But one small helping with two meatballs, bread, salad, water and orange for dessert. Now, that's an act of God!
The commitment to sobriety is a very motivating factor. Not wanting to break the string becomes a competing desire. Sobriety is a black and white choice, a line drawn in the sand, a tangible boundary. Choosing to BE sober is easier than choosing NOT to eat.
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